If your practice is considering switching software, you are not alone. Issues with usability, difficulty implementing or using the software, and changing regulations or requirements are all commonly sighted as a reason to seek new software. As you also know if you are considering switching to another software vendor, new software can come with a whole new set of problems. That said, a majority of practices will change software at least once at some point in their operation. If you're one of them, here are some tips for choosing a scalable software for lasting change to avoid a cycle of new software systems in their practice. 

Make a List

Practices who switch software can often draw on their experience with other products to develop a list of things that they don't love about their current software. That list can be a first step to finding positive solutions to look for in your new software. 

Reflect on Potential Solutions

Take your time learning about any potential replacement software systems and ask a few software vendors the same questions. Reflect on the list and ask yourself how the new options will fix those problems. 

Listen and Seek Input

New software that offers solutions to the technical problems of your old software may still not necessarily be wholly better for your practice. Consult with staff that will use the new software for valuable input on ways productivity could be enhanced with a better system. Implementations are more successful when staff members feel positive about the new software. 

Make a Plan

A thoughtful Implementation plan can significantly enhance the process of switching software. Before you make the change, make sure you have found a vendor that will help you through the process. At MacPractice, we have a dedicated conversions team and Implementation Coordinator to help ease this process and connect you with all the resources you need.